Who We Are

The Book Loft Experience (TBLE) was birthed while I was forced to be home for several weeks due to a major surgery. Let me tell you, being forced to stay at home, no matter the reason, can cause one to reminiscence, cry, think, pray, and pray some more!

In the course of doing all of these things, I began to think about where I was in life, what I was meant to do while on this earth, if I was truly living or just alive; and what things really made me happy. Well, what I failed to remember along the way was that I had always had a love for books! Book of Poems, self-help, literature, romance, mystery, even as a kid, it never really mattered to me.

Being forced to sit home granted me the much needed time to really think and focus on my happiness and how I was going to achieve it. It was during this time period that I rediscovered how much books make me very happy. When reading a book, you can go anywhere and anytime!

Thanks for taking the time to visit the website, and I hope you have a great Book Loft Experience!
